Fields of Study
Under the common thematic field of Development Studies the following main "'Areas of Study" are covered by EUSA_ID:
- Accountancy, Financial Management
- Agricultural Economics
- Agriculture
- Anthropology
- Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning
- Business Studies, Management Science
- Business Studies, Management Science
- Climate Change
- Communication and Information Science
- Demography
- Development Studies
- Disaster Management
- Economics
- Educational Science, Comparative Education
- Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications
- Environmental Science, Ecology
- Forestry
- Gender
- Geography
- History
- Horticulture
- Human Rights
- Humanities
- Industrial Relations and Personnel Management
- International Law
- International Relations
- International Relations, European Studies, Area Studies
- Marketing and Sales Management
- Peace and Conflict Studies
- Political Science
- Public Administration
- Public Health
- Regional Planning
- Renewable Energy
- Social Sciences
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Soil and Water Sciences
- Statistics
- Transport and Traffic Studies
- Tropical /Subtropical Agriculture
- Urban Planning