Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University/Department of Development Studies
NELSON MANDELA METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITYThe Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University has campuses in the beautiful coastal city of Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape, and George in the South Cape regions of South Africa.
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) opened on 1 January 2005, the result of the merging of the PE Technikon, the University of Port Elizabeth (UPE) and the Port Elizabeth campus of Vista University (Vista PE). This union of three very different institutions came about as a result of government's countrywide restructuring of higher education – intended to deliver a more equitable and efficient system to meet the needs of South Africa in the 21st century. NMMU has approximately 27 000 students and approximately 2 500 staff members, based on six campuses in the Nelson Mandela Metropole and George. The sites are the North Campus (former PE Technikon), South Campus (former UPE), Second Avenue Campus (former PE Technikon College Campus) Missionvale Campus (former Vista), Bird Street Campus and the George Campus at Saasveld.
For more information, please have a look at the
Website DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIESThe Department of Development Studies was established in 2006 as part of the School of Economics and Development within the new Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. This move was in recognition of the dramatic growth of Development Studies graduate programmes originally established in 1999 at the former UPE (University of Port Elizabeth). The suite of programmes included a MA by coursework, as well as Research Masters and a D Phil in Development Studies and now the new Post-graduate Diploma in Maritime Studies. In 2011 the department welcomed its first undergraduate programme in Development Studies, currently offered at Missionvale Campus.
For more information please have a look at the
Master in Development StudiesThe coursework MA programme in Development Studies is the largest of its kind in Africa. The programme runs as 3-week block release sessions twice a year (one per semester). The first semester starts on the 21st of January 2013 and runs until the 8th of February 2013. There is a second intake session and the second semester starts on the 8th of July 2013 and ends the 27th of July 2013.
For more information please have a look at the
WebsiteMaster (Development Studies) ResearchThe degree is obtained by means of a dissertation on an approved topic. Research focus areas include amongst other: Development Theory & policy, Rural Development Practice, Transformation Management, Project Management for Economic Development, Conflict Management, Black Economic Empowerment in Africa, Urban & Housing Studies, and Geographical Information Systems.
For more information please have a look at the
WebsiteM Phil in Development FinanceThe programme runs as 3-week block release sessions twice a year (one per semester). The first semester starts on the 11th of February 2013 and runs until the 1st of March 2013. There is a second intake session and the second semester starts on the 29th of July 2013 and ends the 17th of August 2013.
For more information please have a look at the
WebsitePhD ProgrammesD PhilosophyThe curriculum consists of research work on an approved topic submitted in fulfilment of the requirements set for obtaining a doctor's degree.
Possible fields for research doctorates (DPhil):
* Postgraduate studies may be followed across faculty boundaries, particularly in the case of research-based traditional university qualifications such as BA Hons, Magister Artium (MA) or DPhil/PhD. Although the disciplines marked with an asterisk * fall under other faculties, it can be followed on a postgraduate degree level in the Arts Faculty, if the student's first qualification was obtained in the Arts Faculty.
For more information please have a look at the
WebsiteCONTACT PERSONRichard Haines (academic issues)
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Tel.: +27 41 504 2504
Bernadette Snow

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+27 (0)41 504 2649