University of Limpopo/Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership
UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPOThe University of Limpopo, formerly known as the University of the North is one among 23 South African public higher education institution established in terms of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No 101 of 1997). The University is located in the Limpopo Province which boarders Zimbabwe, Botswana and Mozambique 34 km outside of the city of Polokwane. The Mission of the University is: "To be a leading African university epitomising excellence and global competitiveness, addressing the needs of rural communities through innovative ideas." The University of Limpopo consist of four faculties of Management and Law; Science and Agriculture; Health Sciences and Humanities which serves nearly 28 000 students.
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WebsiteTHE TURFLOOP GRADUATE SCHOOL OF LEADERSHIPThe Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership (TGSL) is not merely a Business School but rather a hybrid of a business and leadership schools. TGSL was established in 1996 through a partnership between the University of the North and Baruch College in New York City. TGSL falls within the Faculty of Management and Law of the University of Limpopo but housed at the Edupark Academic Complex opposite the famous Peter Mokaba Stadium which was one of the official FIFA Soccer World Cup Stadiums in 2010. Through TGSL three formal master programmes which are Master of Development; Business Administration and Public Administration are offered. The school has an average of 245 registered students.
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WebsiteSTUDY PROGRAMMESMA ProgrammesThe Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership provides three formal masters programmes which are accredited by the Department of Higher Education of South Africa. These Programmes are the
Master of Development Studies,Master of Business Administration andMaster of Public AdministrationPhD ProgrammesDoctor of Philosophy in Administration (Development)CONTACT PERSONProfessor F.G Netswera

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