University of Jyväskylä/Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ (Finland)The University of Jyväskylä (JYU) is an internationally acclaimed research university with 15000 students and a staff of 2600.
JYU offers Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programmes in more than 80 main subjects within the faculties of Education, Humanities, Information Technology, Mathematics and Science, Social Sciences, Sport Sciences and the University School of Business and Economics, as well as 18 multidisciplinary Master's programmes conducted in English. The core fields of research and education are basic natural phenomena and the structure of matter; education, learning, and teaching in the future; languages, culture, and social change processes; physical activity and wellbeing; and human technology. JYU is Finland's leading expert in teacher education as well as a major exporter of education.
Jyväskylä is a cosy but dynamic city of 134 000 inhabitants in the lake district of Finland some 270 km from the capital Helsinki. It is a prominent school and university city with some 45 000 students during the academic year and, simultaneously, a safe and pleasant place to live.
For more information please have a look at the
WebsiteDEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND PHILOSOPHYFor more information please have a look at the
Master in Social Science - Specialization in "Development and International Cooperation"The international Master's Degree Programme in Development and International Cooperation is a 24 month, 120 credit, interdisciplinary English language programme based in the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The programme began in 2004 and has, since then, conferred master's degrees to about 140 students from 30 countries.
The curriculum of the D&IC MDP is designed to promote critical and independent thinking about the structures and mechanisms of global inequality in the contemporary world, as well as to facilitate the acquisition of practical skills for knowledge production and action on behalf of justice and well-being for all. The curriculum combines courses in thematic issues, theory and methods with practical, project-based activities. An internship with a development-oriented organization or research institute outside Finland is a compulsory element of the curriculum.
Interdisciplinarity is a core feature of the D&IC programme. While the core curriculum is common to all participants, each student is enrolled in one of five disciplinary majors (Education, Ethnology, Political Science, Social & Public Policy and Sociology) and also receives instruction and supervision from senior faculty in this disciplinary area.

Alumni testimonial by Wen Yan, China
← (click on the pic to watch the video)

Alumni testimonial by Ayda Hagh Talab, Iran
← (click on the pic to watch the video)
For more information please have a look at the
WebsitePhD ProgrammesFor the Doctoral Studies please have a look at the
Website For the second call non-degree seeking mobility of up to 24 months can be offered (see
How to apply).
Jeremy Gould

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Tel: +35 84 080 54128
Kirsi Torkkola

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Tel: +35 85 080 53110