University of Fort Hare/Department of Development Studies
UNIVERSITY OF FORT HAREThe University of Fort Hare (UFH) is one of South Africa's oldest universities, and the first founded as an institution of higher learning for Africans. From the early 20th century, Fort Hare emerged as one of Africa's most distinguished and iconic Higher Education Institutions, occupying a crucial role in the emergence and preservation of the intellectual heritage of Africa. UFH is located in the Eastern Cape Province, one of the most scenic regions in South Africa.
The geographic location of the university provides the perfect environment for urban-rural integration and is ideally placed to respond to the development needs of the region, linking the university to the regional, national and African society and economy. Its main campus is based in Alice, in the Nkonkobe local municipality of the Amathole District. It boasts two other campuses in Bhisho and East London, which are geographically separated by a distance of some 60km, with a total distance of 120 km between Alice and East London.
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WebsiteDEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIESThe department of Development Studies, on behalf of the university, has co-offered the Master of Policy Studies (MPS) programme with the Universities of Zimbabwe and the national University of Lesotho from 1995 to 2003. Over 150 students from different countries on the African continent including Mauritius and Canada went through and graduated in the programme. The three universities were working together with SAPES Trust in Zimbabwe who were the managers of the MPS programme. The University of Fort Hare was responsible for producing certificates and academic transcripts for the students in the programme in addition to accreditation. Some staff members at Fort Hare were also responsible for teaching and research supervision of students. The funding of the programme was sourced from different funders locally and internationally. The programme was more of a capacity development nature for new students and individuals who are in decision making positions in different sectors.
The department was also a partner in a research consortium of organisations from five countries, namely, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Norway. The research was a comparative study of the coping mechanisms of HIV/AIDS orphans from the four countries; Norway was a sponsor of the project. This was between 2001 and 2003. The department was the co-ordinator of the programme for the South African input.
The department has in the past hosted students at various times from USA and from Germany who had come to the university for semester courses. We are also working with local municipalities and institutions in capacity building programmes.
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WebsiteSTUDY PROGRAMMESDoctor of Philosophy (PHD) Social sciences in Development studiesFor more information please have a look at the
BrochureCONTACT PERSONPriscilla B. Monyai

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